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Xin Changxing, Xu Kunlin meet with some key officials of central enterprises-快看

来源:ourjiangsu.com    时间:2023-05-22 16:20:45


Xin Changxing, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Governor Xu Kunlin, meet with some chairpersons of central enterprises in Nanjing.

Leaders of central enterprises, Dai Houliang, Chairman of CNPC, Ma Yongsheng, Chairman of Sinopec Group, Zhang Xiaolun, Chairman of China Machinery Industry Group, Wang Shudong, Chairman of China National Coal Group Corp, Chen Yun, Chairman of China Railway Corporation, and Gu Jun, General Manager of China National Nuclear Corporation, have arrived in Nanjing for the 3rd Jiangsu Development Summit. Xin Changxing and Xu Kunlin extended their warm welcome to them and expressed gratitude for their long-term care and support for Jiangsu"s development.

Xin Changxing said that on the basis of building a moderately prosperous society at a high level in all respects, Jiangsu is vigorously advancing the new journey of modernization construction and striving to continue to be at the forefront of high-quality development.

Central enterprises are a national team that promotes high-quality development, Xin Changxing said, adding that over the years, their cooperation with Jiangsu has had a profound foundation and fruitful results, and they are important witnesses, participants, and promoters of Jiangsu"s development.

He hoped that various central enterprises will continue to give full play to their advantages and deepen all-around cooperation around the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, technological innovation, infrastructure construction, energy supply security, green and low-carbon development.

We will fully support the investment and development of central enterprises in Jiangsu, work together to write a new chapter of mutually beneficial cooperation and win-win development, and make new and greater contributions to the overall development of the country.

The chief leaders of central enterprises thanked Jiangsu Province for its strong support for enterprise development, congratulated the successful holding of the Third Jiangsu Development Summit, and introduced their development situation in Jiangsu and their cooperation plans for the next period.

They remarked that in the country"s overall development situation, the state-owned enterprises and Jiangsu shoulder a common responsibility and mission, bravely taking the lead and leading the way.

The chairpersons noted that Jiangsu is currently showing a good momentum of high-quality development, which has provided broad space and created new opportunities for further deepening cooperation.

In the future, central enterprises will continue to consider Jiangsu as an important strategic investment destination, increase investment efforts, expand cooperation areas, and contribute more to the high-quality development and modernization construction of Jiangsu.

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